神经科学研究所 - Get Back Your Freedom to Move Without Pain



Each day, everything 你 do is made possible by 你r brain, spine and nerves. They take 你 where 你 want to go, let 你 interact with the world and help make 你 . When 你 experience injury, illness or pain, it can feel like 你 have lost a part of 你rself. 在 神经科学研究所 圣弗朗西斯队, 你 can get back to feeling like 你 again – doing the activities 你 love, 和最重要的人在一起.


The 神经科学研究所 at 圣弗朗西斯医疗保健系统 is the region’s leader in diagnosing, treating and managing injuries and illnesses of the brain, spine and nerves – with some of the top experts in the country. Our highly skilled specialists provide leading-edge diagnostic imaging and advanced medical, 外科手术 and rehabilitative technologies and treatment options.


When 你 experience injury or illness related to 你r nervous system, 你 want the very best care to help 你 get back to feeling like 你rself. 在神经科学研究所, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for our patients. We adhere to rigorous national standards for processes and patient outcomes to provide exceptional care.

病人 receive focused care at these specialized centers and clinics:


The 脊柱卓越中心 means 你’ll get the right care at the right time — every time.

Our neuroscience experts at Saint Francis will complete a thorough assessment to determine the best treatment options for 你, from physical therapy to pain management to spine surgery.

Our specialists provide leading-edge diagnostic imaging and advanced medical, 外科手术 and rehabilitative technologies and treatment options. Plus, our experts offer the latest minimally invasive techniques for spine surgery.

和, 我们的专家在更多的地方为更多的病人服务, 包括法, 杨树虚张声势和Sikeston位置.

把你的背部和颈部疼痛抛在脑后,打电话 573-331-5111


The 神经科学研究所 offers leading-edge diagnostic imaging and advanced medical, 外科手术, and rehabilitative care for a wide range of neurological disorders, 包括:

  • 急性和慢性疼痛 – Acute and chronic pain is defined as long-term, 严重的身体不适, 包括颈部疼痛和背部疼痛.
  • 阿尔茨海默病 -这种大脑紊乱会导致痴呆, which is the degeneration of intellectual functions, 比如记忆.
  • 肌萎缩侧索硬化症 -肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS), 俗称卢伽雷氏症, is a motor neuron disease that causes muscle weakness and atrophy.
  • 癫痫 – 癫痫 is a common disorder of the brain that causes recurring seizures.
  • 多发性硬化症 – Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system thought to be the result of a malfunction in the immune system. This progressive disease causes loss of myelin (the fatty substance that covers and protects nerves) in the brain or spinal cord and can cause deterioration in muscle strength, 视力, 演讲, 和运动.
  • 帕金森病 – Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system caused by the decay of dopamine-producing brain cells.
  • 脊柱疾病 – Spinal disorders are the disturbance of normal functioning of the spinal column and/or spinal cord.
  • 中风 – 中风s occur when blood stops flowing to the brain. Conditions resulting from a stroke may include the loss of consciousness, 演讲, 或者局部运动.
  • 创伤性脑损伤 – Traumatic brain injuries are serious neurological injuries caused by unexpected situations including automobile accidents. Symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury include dizziness or vertigo, 头痛或偏头痛, 和混乱.


诊断和治疗各种疾病, the 神经科学研究所 uses a number of advanced technologies, 包括:

  • 64层CT扫描
  • 自主测试
  • EEG monitoring (including 24-hour and video EEG)
  • 核磁共振成像
  • 核医学
  • 打开1.5特斯拉核磁共振成像扫描
  • PET / CT扫描


The 神经科学研究所 serves as the home base for some of the top neurological experts in the country. Our neurosurgeons have trained at some of the finest teaching hospitals and have performed thousands of procedures, 包括:

  • 人工腰椎和颈椎椎间盘植入物
  • 椎间盘内电热疗法
  • Kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty for compression fractures
  • 微创腰椎手术
  • 脊柱融合术
  • 立体定向放射治疗




The 神经科学研究所’s rehabilitation program begins the first day of the patient’s stay, where we provide education and therapy modalities patients need to return to the community. Our program consistently exceeds national benchmarks for patient care and includes:

  • 平衡计划
  • 司机康复计划
  • 家庭护理
  • 神经心理学家
  • 物理、职业和语言治疗师
  • 工伤培训



National Association of 癫痫中心s 三级癫痫中心


  • 三级癫痫中心


American Heart Association 2022遵循指南 金牌加中风奖

American Heart Association/American 中风 Association

  • 2022遵循指南® 金牌加中风奖



  • 高级初级脑卒中中心
  • Certificate of Distinction in Disease-Specific Care for Primary 中风 Treatment
  • 中风护理金印章批准™


American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic and Evoked Potential Technologists (ABRET)

  • 实验所认可委员会认证



  • 脊柱外科蓝色区分中心
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